Whether you’re unsure of your role in Truth and Reconciliation, just beginning, or looking for a community to continue your journey with, we offer resources to help and ways to get involved.
Join over 115 organizations, businesses, and nonprofits committed to responding to the TRC’s Calls to Action, to the MMIWG2S Calls for Justice, and to UNDRIP.
As a collective, we develop initiatives, events, and programming to engage more people in the journey to Truth and Reconciliation. All our work is guided by Knowledge Keepers and Residential School Survivors, and we use a collective impact model for making change and consensus decision-making. This ensures our work is led by community.

“These activities offer Saskatoon residents the opportunity to learn, in a safe environment, about the residential schools, their ongoing legacy today, and also the incredible resilience and strength of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous community.”