
Reconciliation Saskatoon is a collective of 115 organizations, businesses, non-profits, and more who develop initiatives, events, and programming to engage more people in the journey of Truth and Reconciliation. We work to bring people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, socioeconomic positions, abilities, ages, and sexualities together — knowing that relationship-building happens when we work collaboratively toward the same goal. At the heart of reconciliation is wâhkôhtowin—which refers to the interrelatedness of all things.

Our collective formed when we came together to organize the Walk for Reconciliation in 2016, which draws thousands of people together annually to honour Residential School Survivors. Since then, our programming expanded to include regular learning events and an online tool called ConnectR that helps people find and respond to calls to action.

Learn more about What We Do and how you can get involved.


Since 2016, the Rock Your Roots: Walk for Reconciliation has gathered thousands of people in Saskatoon to walk together and demonstrate their commitment to following a journey of Truth and Reconciliation. In 2023, the Walk for Reconciliation will take place on Sept 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Learn the story of how the walk started, and who was involved.

Vision for Reconciliation

in Saskatchewan

Reconciliation Saskatoon engages people in finding and responding to calls to action and embarking on a journey of Truth and Reconciliation that leads us to:

A shared understanding of our history,

Vibrant cultures and worldviews,

Equitable systems and societies that benefit us all, and

Authentic relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Our Mission

Reconciliation Saskatoon provides a forum to amplify our collective action for Truth and Reconciliation by responding each in our own way to the TRC’s Calls to Action, to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Calls for Justice and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We are committed to…

Ceremony and Culture – We prioritize regular ceremony, events and cultural sharing to grow understanding of history, culture, language and protocols. We strive to create safe spaces for all.

Learning to Action – Reconciliation Saskatoon is a place for all, no matter where people are in their journeys of Truth and Reconciliation. We learn together and encourage accountability for action, both personally and within our respective communities.

Supporting and growing the circle – Our members give and receive strength from others within the circle. We foster wâhkôhtowin, community, and connection in Saskatoon and across the province. We continually welcome new people into the circle and strive for inclusive representation from diverse backgrounds and communities in all our work.

Honouring and learning from kêhtê-aya (Knowledge Keepers) and Survivors – We build meaningful relationships, seek their guidance, honour their voices and provide opportunities for all to participate.

Sharing Stories – We communicate stories of Truth and Reconciliation from within our membership and beyond, in order to educate and inspire action. We do not shy away from hard-to-hear truths and embrace the opportunity to listen, learn, show up and share.