What We Do

Action Groups

Action Groups are committees of Reconciliation Saskatoon members and community members who want to work on a specific area of Truth and Reconciliation. They each meet monthly and develop initiatives and programming that respond to community needs.

Business Engagement Action Group

The Business Engagement Action Group works on engaging the private sector in responding to the TRC Call to Action #92. Past work includes the September 2021 event Pathfinder: Finding Your Way to Economic Reconciliation. This group has been instrumental in the development of a ConnectR web app built for work teams and community groups to collectively embark upon a learning path. Watch for the app release in 2024. In 2024, we partnered with Ethical Digital to host Reconciling Tech: A Hackathon Improving Equity for Indigenous Women in Tech. Ethical Digital created a video about the event: watch it here.

Learning Committee

The Learning Committee meets monthly and organizes events that educate and inspire action. Past events include Land Acknowledgement workshops, cultural presentations, Reimagining “Canada Day” online and at the Remai Modern, and more. Visit Facebook or BeAConnectR.com/events to find out about upcoming events. This work is funded in part by the Province of Saskatchewan’s First Nations and Métis Community Engagement Partnership.

Truth and Reconciliation through Treaty Implementation

Starting in January 2024, our members will have a unique opportunity to learn Truth and Reconciliation through Treaty Implementation. Under the leadership of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, we will meet monthly on zoom, analyze our own reconciliation efforts and DEVELOP ACTION PLANS for having a deeper impact. This initiative is funded by SaskCulture.

Newcomer Action Group

The Newcomer Action Group hosts events with every season that invite Indigenous, non-Indigenous and newcomer peoples to come together, build relationships, and learn from each other. Past events have included Talking Circles, Indigenous Awareness Training and a potluck. We are grateful to these organizations for their involvement in the Newcomer Action Group: Saskatoon Open Door Society, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, Saskatchewan Association of Immigration Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA), Truly Alive Youth Family Foundation Inc. (TAYFFI), and navera.

Two Spirit Leadership

Two Spirit Initiatives included working with Jordy Ironstar (he/they) in 2022 to create space for Two Spirit, Indigiqueer, and LGBTQQIA+ Indigenous folks. We partner with OUT Saskatoon on education & community initiatives and include Two Spirit peoples in our leadership and committees. We work with educators, Pipe Carriers and community members to ensure our programming is inclusive and safe for 2SLGBTQQIA+ peoples.

Choose Your Next Steps Towards Reconciliation

ConnectR is an online tool developed to help people find and respond to calls to action and move forward on a journey of Truth and Reconciliation. Find calls to action to grow what you know, encourage a shared future, and generate change. Be a ConnectR.

Events & Learning

We regularly host events and learning opportunities that gather Indigenous, non-Indigenous, and newcomer peoples to foster a shared understanding of our history and deepen our education and awareness. Our largest event is on June 21 — National Indigenous Peoples Day. On this day, we host the Rock Your Roots: Walk for Reconciliation.

Find our latest events on Facebook or at BeAConnectR.com.

Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation

Every year, we host the hugely successful “Rock Your Roots” Walk for Reconciliation in Saskatoon. This year, the walk will be held on June 21, 2024. Visit BeAConnectR.com for updates.

Visit the ROCK YOUR ROOTS webpage for more info.

Member Meetings

Next Meetings
Tuesday, May 21 9:30am Location TBD

Every season, we invite members of Reconciliation Saskatoon and the broader community to join us for a Pipe Ceremony that reaffirms our commitment to Truth & Reconciliation and guides our work in a good way. The ceremonies are followed by gatherings where we talk about the direction of Reconciliation Saskatoon, offer updates on our programming, and hear from members about their stories.

Visit ConnectR for dates of upcoming meetings or join our newsletter!